When Client Side Mitigation (CSM) is configured, the denylist is one of the "Product Settings" pages, accessible via the left sidebar, as Mitigation.
The denylist is composed of all the scripts' actions which the Mitigation mechanism prevents (blocks) from running.
This includes all the actions that correspond to incidents that were manually added to the denylist.
There's a different denylist for each Application + Host Domain (for example, when 3 host domains refer to a single Application entity, there will be 3 denylists).
The list is presented in a table, specifying the detailed metadata on each denied action (a full rundown of each metadata field can be found on the allowlist page).

Filtering and Sorting
You can sort and filter the denylist in the same manner as described in full in the Allowlist Filtering and Sorting section.

Remove an action
An action can be removed from the deny list, by hovering over the relevant row and clicking the trash can icon that appears to the far right.
Once removed, if the action is once again performed by the script, it will be identified and will result in a new unclassified incident.
When the icon is clicked, a dialog window is shown with the action's metadata (same as removing an action from the allow list).
Updated 3 months ago