Configuration Options

The initial HUMAN configuration is determined during the installation process. All configurations are set as Property Variables in the Akamai Property Editor.



When possible, the Akamai Property rules reference the Akamai Property variables dynamically; however, there may be cases in which changes to the Akamai Property variables necessitate changes in the Akamai Property rules (e.g., PX_APP_ID, PX_FILTER_BY_EXTENSION). Be sure to double-check the Property rules when making variable changes to ensure they are aligned.

Module Enabled

A boolean flag to enable/disable the HUMAN Enforcer.

Property Variable Name: PX_MODULE_ENABLED

Default: true

Module Mode

By default, the HUMAN enforcer’s mode is set to monitor. To activate blocking mode, set the PMUSER_PX_MODULE_MODE property variable to active_blocking.

Property Variable Name: PX_MODULE_MODE

Default from v.1.1.0: monitor

Default up to v.1.0.6: 0

First Party

Indicates whether the enforcer is in first party mode or not. Be sure to complete the steps in the Integrate 1st-Party JS Snippet section to make sure your snippet is set up to serve the JavaScript Sensor via First-Party.

Property Variable Name: PX_FIRST_PARTY_ENABLED

Default: true

S2S Timeout

The number of milliseconds to wait for for the server-to-server call, after which a timeout is triggered and the request will pass.

Property Variable Name: PX_S2S_TIMEOUT

Default: 1000

Sensitive Headers

Comma-separated list of sensitive headers. These headers will be removed from all requests to the HUMAN backend.

Property Variable Name: PX_SENSITIVE_HEADERS

Default: cookie, cookies

Filter by Route

Regex (PCRE) for allowed routes. Requests for these routes will pass without being enforced or monitored.

Property Variable Name: PX_FILTER_BY_ROUTE

Example: ^(./allowed_route/?.)|(./filtered_route/?.)$

Default: Empty

Filter by User Agent

Regex (PCRE) for filtered user agents. Requests with these user agents will pass without being enforced or monitored.

Property Variable Name: PX_FILTER_BY_USER_AGENT

Example: ^(filtered-ua)|(filtered-user-agent)$

Default: Empty

Filter by HTTP Method

Requests for these HTTP Methods will pass without being enforced or monitored.

Defined as part of the Property Manager rules. 

Edit your PXWorkerRule, under the Criteria section, add another match (+match bottom on the top right side) as follows:

Logic: AND

Advanced Match: Request Method is not

Choose any HTTP method you'd like to filter


Filter by Extension

Comma-separated list of extensions.



Must match those configured in the PXWorkerRule and PXStaticContentWorkerRule in the Akamai Property Manager.

Property Variable Name: PX_FILTER_BY_EXTENSION

Default: .css,.bmp,.tif,.ttf,.docx,.woff2,.js,.pict,.tiff,.eot,.xlsx,.jpg,.csv,.eps,.woff,.xls,.jpeg,.doc,.ejs,.otf,.pptx,.gif,.pdf,.swf,.svg,.ps,.ico,.pls,.midi,.svgz,.class,.png,.ppt,.mid,webp,.jar,.json,.xml

Enforced Routes

Regex (PCRE) for routes to enforce even when in monitor mode.

Property Variable Name: PX_ENFORCED_ROUTES

Example: ^(\/webapi\/reservation\/confirm\/?)$

Default: Empty

Monitored Routes

Regex (PCRE) for routes to monitor even when in active blocking mode.

Property Variable Name: PX_MONITORED_ROUTES

Example: ^(./category/?.)|(./product/?.)$

Default: Empty

Bypass Monitor Header

Header name that will force active blocking flow even when the request should be monitored (either in monitor mode or if the route is monitored).

Property Variable Name: PX_BYPASS_MONITOR_HEADER

Default: Empty

Sensitive Routes

Sensitive routes trigger a server call to HUMAN servers every time the route is called, regardless of viewing history.

Property Variable Name: PX_SENSITIVE_ROUTES

Example: ^(./login/?.)|(./sign/?.)$

Default: Empty


URL to a custom CSS file for the block page.

Property Variable Name: PX_CSS_REF

Default: Empty

JS Ref

URL to a custom JS file for the block page.

Property Variable Name: PX_JS_REF

Default: Empty

Custom Logo

Custom logo to display at the top of the block page (max-height = 150px, width = auto).

Property Variable Name: PX_CUSTOM_LOGO

Default: Empty

Custom Cookie Header

Allows to set a header name which is used to extract the HUMAN cookies (processed in addition to the Cookie header).

Property Variable Name: PX_CUSTOM_COOKIE_HEADER

Default: x-px-cookies

Custom Parameters

With the px_enrich_custom_parameters function you can add up to 10 custom parameters to be sent back to HUMAN servers. When set, the function is called before setting the payload on every request to HUMAN servers. The parameters should be passed according to the correct order (1-10) and their format must align as following: custom_param1, custom_param2, ... , custom_param10. The parameters passed along with the px_enrich_custom_parameters function are originalRequest which is the Akamai request object



This function must be set in the custom/pxCustomFunctionsConfig.ts file.

Default: Empty



Since version 3.4.0, the px_enrich_custom_parameters function accepts the pxContext as a second parameter and is async, meaning it can return either CustomParams or Promise.

export async function px_enrich_custom_parameters(originalRequest: IngressClientRequest, pxContext: PXRequestContext): Promise<CustomParams> {
  let customParams: CustomParams = {
    custom_param1: "hardcoded example",

  customParams.custom_param2 = request.method
  // ...
  return customParams;

Send Request Cookie Names

Specifies the cookie names (not values) that will be reported on activities to the HUMAN backend. This is due to Akamai's header size limits.

Property Variable Name: PX_SEND_REQ_COOKIE_NAMES (From v1.1.0, If upgrading the enforcer from an earlier version, make sure the variable exists in the Property Manager)
Property Variable Name: PX_COOKIE_WHITELIST (Up to v1.0.6)

Default: _px2,_pxvid, _ga, dwanonymous_*, sid


CSS Ref, JS Ref, and Custom Logo

Note that the URLs for PX_CSS_REF, PX_JS_REF, and PX_CUSTOM_LOGO should be no longer than 150 characters combined. This is to ensure that the block responses from the edgeworker (especially on mobile) do not exceed Akamai's 2048 KB limit.

CORS Support

Whether to add CORS headers to block responses. If enabled, CORS requests will receive block responses with either the default or customized CORS response headers.


Default: false

The default CORS block response headers are:

Header NameHeader Value
access-control-allow-originThe origin header taken from the request.

CORS block response headers can be customized using the px_custom_cors_block_response_headers function. If it returns a falsy value, then the default headers will be set on the block response.

export function px_custom_cors_block_response_headers(
    pxCtx: PXRequestContext,
    request: EnforcedRequest,
): Record<string, string> {
    // example: return { 'allow-custom-origin': request.getHeader('origin')[0] };
    return null;



This function must be set in the custom/pxCustomFunctionsConfig.ts file.


CORS Preflight Requests

Since Akamai EdgeWorkers do not currently support the OPTIONS method, CORS preflight requests are always filtered, and will not pass through the edgeworker. It is important to handle preflight requests properly, either in the elsewhere in your Akamai Property Manager or in your origin server.

Credentials Intelligence

This feature extracts credentials (hashed username and password) from requests and adds a header to the original request if the credentials have been flagged as compromised. The feature can be toggled on and off and may be set for any number of unique login extraction paths.

Property Variable NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
PX_CI_EXTRACT_ENABLEDWhether credentials should be extracted for CI.falsetrue, false
PX_CI_EXTRACT_DETAILSAn array of JSON objects detailing how to extract credentials for CI (see below).None-
PX_CI_VERSIONWhether CI functions as a single- (v2) or multi-step login.v2v2, multistep_sso
PX_CI_AS2S_HEADER_ENABLEDWhether to send the additional_s2s as a header. If false, the additional_s2s will be sent automatically.falsetrue, false
PX_CI_COMPROMISED_HEADERThe name of the header to be sent to the origin when compromised credentials are identified.px-compromised-credentials-
PX_CI_SEND_RAW_USERNAMEWhether the raw username of the credentials should be sent to HUMAN for multi-step integrations and/or data correlation purposes.falsetrue, false
PX_CI_LS_REPORTING_METHODThe login successful reporting method to use for identifying successful login requests when the additional_s2s activity is sent automatically.Nonestatus, body, header, custom
PX_CI_LS_STATUSIf PX_CI_LS_REPORTING_METHOD is status, a comma-separated list of status codes indicating successful login.200-
PX_CI_LS_BODY_REGEXIf PX_CI_LS_REPORTING_METHOD is body, a regex (PCRE) applied to the response body indicating successful login.None-
PX_CI_LS_HEADER_NAMEIf PX_CI_LS_REPORTING_METHOD is header, the name of a response header indicating a successful login.x-px-login-successful-
PX_CI_LS_HEADER_VALUEIf PX_CI_LS_REPORTING_METHOD is header, the expected value of the response header indicating a successful login.1-

Notes about Credentials Extraction Configuration

The value of the PMUSER_PX_CI_EXTRACT_DETAILS variable should be a valid JSON array of objects. Each object should contain the following properties:

Property NameTypeDescriptionPossible Values
methodstringThe HTTP method of the login request.-
path_typestringSpecifies whether the path property should be an exact match or evaluated as a regular expression.exact, regex
pathstringThe path of the login request, defined as an exact string or regular expression.-
sent_throughstringThe location of the credentials in the request.body, header, query-param, custom
user_fieldstringThe name of the username field.-
pass_fieldstringThe name of the password field.-

Below is an example of a valid array which lists out three different login endpoints from which credentials should be extracted:

    "method": "get",
    "path_type": "exact",
    "path": "/login/query",
    "sent_through": "query-param",
    "pass_field": "password",
    "user_field": "username"
}, {
    "method": "post",
    "path_type": "exact",
    "path": "/login-nested-object",
    "sent_through": "body",
    "pass_field": "nested.password",
    "user_field": "nested.username"
}, {
    "method": "post",
    "path_type": "regex",
    "path": "^/user/[A-Za-z0-9]{8,12}/session$",
    "sent_through": "body",
    "pass_field": "password",
    "user_field": "username"
}, {
    "method": "post",
    "path_type": "exact",
    "path": "/login/custom",
    "sent_through": "custom"



The path values in the PMUSER_PX_CI_EXTRACT_DETAILS array must match the list of paths configured in the Property Manager rule named PXSetCIBypassResponseProviderRule.

If the sent_through is custom, the user_field and pass_field do not need to be defined. Instead, a custom function must be defined in the Akamai EdgeWorker code that accepts the request and PX Context and returns the extracted credentials in the form of an object with the keys username and password. All login endpoints that have custom as the value for sent_through will trigger this function.

If the request body is needed, it should be read using the async function readAndSetRequestBody() to optimize performance.



This function must be set in the custom/pxCustomFunctionsConfig.ts file.

export async function px_custom_extract_credentials(
    originalRequest: EW.ResponseProviderRequest,
    pxContext: PXRequestContext,
): Promise<LoginCredentials> {
    // body is plaintext '<USERNAME>,<PASSWORD>' example:
    // const body = (await readAndSetRequestBody(originalRequest, ReadRequestBodyMethod.TEXT, pxContext)) as string;
    // const [username, password] = body?.split(',') || [];
    // return username && password ? { username, password } : null;
    return null;

If the PX_CI_LS_REPORTING_METHOD is custom, a custom function must be defined in the Akamai EdgeWorker code that accepts the response object from the origin as well as the PX response context and returns a boolean or a Promise resolving to a boolean that indicates if the login was successful or not.

If the response body is needed, it should be read using the async function readAndSetResponseBody(response, responseContext) to optimize performance.



This function must be set in the custom/pxCustomFunctionsConfig.ts file.

export async function px_login_successful_custom_callback(
    response: EW.Response,
    responseContext: PXResponseContext,
): Promise<boolean> {
    // example: return response.status === 200 && response.getHeader('set-cookie')[0].includes('login_session');
    return false;


This feature parses request body data on GraphQL paths to determine request sensitivity and enhance detection. The enforcer never reports sensitive or personally identifiable data (e.g., variable values). This feature can be toggled on or off, and set for any number of different GraphQL routes.

Property NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Values
PMUSER_PX_GRAPHQL_ENABLEDIndicates whether GraphQL details should be extracted from GraphQL request bodies.truetrue, false
PMUSER_PX_GRAPHQL_ROUTESRegex (PCRE) for routes to enable GraphQL on. Must match those configured in the Property Manager rules./graphql-
PMUSER_PX_SENSITIVE_GQL_OP_TYPESRegex (PCRE) for operation types (e.g., "query", "mutation", "subscription") to flag as sensitive.empty-
PMUSER_PX_SENSITIVE_GQL_OP_NAMESRegex (PCRE) for operation names to flag as sensitive.empty-



The paths configured for PMUSER_PX_GRAPHQL_ROUTES must match the list of paths configured in the Property Manager rule named PXSetGraphqlBypassResponseProviderRule.

User Identifiers

HUMAN uses the User Identifiers to identify clients during and across sessions. The identifiers are:
JWT - JSON Web Token is an encrypted token with a JSON object containing metadata on the user
request, including the app user ID. It can be stored in a cookie or header.
CTS - Cross Tab Session is represented by a token stored on the pxcts cookie.

Property NameDescriptionDefault Value
PMUSER_PX_JWT_COOKIE_NAMEThe name of the cookie that contains the JWT token.None
PMUSER_PX_JWT_COOKIE_USERID_NAMEThe name of the JWT payload field that contains the user ID.None
PMUSER_PX_JWT_COOKIE_ADDL_FIELDSComma-separated list of additional fields to be extracted from the JWT.None
PMUSER_PX_JWT_HEADER_NAMEThe name of the header that contains the JWT token.None
PMUSER_PX_JWT_HEADER_USERID_NAMEThe name of the JWT payload field that contains the user ID.None
PMUSER_PX_JWT_HEADER_ADDL_FIELDSComma-separated list of additional fields to be extracted from the JWT.None