Javascript snippet
Integrate 3rd-Party Client
The third-party snippet serves the sensor and manages server communication. Insert the snippet on all pages you want to protect.
See our Getting Started guide for 3rd-Party JS Snippet Integration for more details.
Integrate 1st-Party Client
The first party mechanism is a way for serving Sensor and for sending activities using your domain (1st party) rather than our own domains (3rd party).
1st party is needed since 3rd party scripts and XHR request can get blocked either by network policy or privacy tools (like ad blockers) - we see more and more privacy tools targeting 3rd party scripts.
The first party mechanism uses the enforcer as a proxy, taking advantage of the fact that the enforcer runs on your server. The enforcer uses predefined reserved routes for first party.
See our Getting Started guide for 1st-Party JS Snippet Integration for more details.
Updated 3 months ago