Upgrade to Fastly VCL v12

Before We Start

The HUMAN Fastly VCL Enforcer consists of a number of different components: VCL files, snippets, and logging endpoints. The majority of the Fastly VCL enforcer logic is housed in four VCL files that need to be uploaded to your service:

FilenameVCL NameDescription
main.vclMAINFastly's default main VCL with HUMAN logic already integrated. This file can be used as the main VCL file for Fastly services that don't have one, or as a basic example for how to integrate the HUMAN logic into an existing main VCL file.
px.vclPXAll HUMAN core logic. This file should not be customized or modified in any way.
px_configs.vclPX_CONFIGSContains enforcer configuration table and additional backend configs. This file can be modified based on the desired enforcer configuration.
px_custom.vclPX_CUSTOMContains enforcer custom code, defined custom behavior, and enforcer features. This file can be modified based on the desired enforcer configuration or desired custom logic that should be executed within the enforcer.



Before starting, these 3 custom VCL files will be provided to you by a HUMAN Solution Architect:

  • px.vcl
  • px_configs.vcl
  • px_custom.vcl

To ensure that you are taking advantage of the latest features, several configurations and deploy changes need to be made in order to upgrade your Fastly VCL Enforcer to version 12. This document serves as a comprehensive guide to the changes that must be made.

1. Add Async Activities and Telemetry logging endpoints.



This change is required if upgrading from version <9.x.

Instead of using a Syslog log streaming endpoint, we've changed our async activities and telemetry logs to use Fastly's HTTP logging endpoint.

This change requires removing the older PX-Syslog logging endpoint and configuring two new logging endpoints instead. For more information about Fastly log streaming, see here.

Delete the PX-Syslog Logging Endpoint

  1. In your Fastly service, go to "Logging" tab.
  2. Delete the TCP logging endpoint named PX-Syslog.

Add the Async Activities Logging Endpoint

  1. On your Fastly service, go to "Logging" tab

  2. Add a new Logging endpoint with the information below:

    • Name: PX-Async-Activities
    • URL: https://collector-<px_app_id>.perimeterx.net/api/v1/collector/s2s
    • Placement: none
    • Maximum bytes: 500000
    • Advanced options:
      • Content type - application/json
      • JSON log entry format - Array of JSON
      • All other fields: No change is needed, use the default values.

Add the Telemetry Logging Endpoint

  1. On your Fastly service, go to "Logging" tab

  2. Use the following settings to define a new additional logger:

    • Name: PX-Telemetry
    • URL: https://collector-<px_app_id>.perimeterx.net/api/v2/risk/telemetry
    • Placement: none
    • Maximum Logs: 1
    • Advanced options
      • Content type - application/json
      • All other fields: No change is needed, use the default values.

2. Validate the px_configs configuration table in the PX_CONFIGS VCL file.

Several configuration options were deprecated in Fastly VCL v10. If one or more configurations in the list below are present in the px_configs table of the PX_CONFIGS VCL file, please modify them accordingly.

Configuration NameChangeNotes
px_module_modeConfiguration options have been changed.The "async_monitor" value is no longer available. The "monitor" value should be used instead.
px_block_all_size_exceeded_post_requestsConfiguration has been removed.POST requests with bodies larger than 8 KB will go through normal processing.
px_block_size_exceeded_post_requests_by_sizeConfiguration has been removed.POST requests with bodies larger than 8 KB will go through normal processing.
px_enable_error_logsConfiguration has been removed.Rather than checking this configuration, the enforcer checks the if the px_logger_severity configuration is set to "error".
px_enable_redirect_xhrConfiguration has been removed.First party XHR routes should be treated like all other First Party routes. Instead of XHR routes having their own individual setting, they now depend on the px_first_party_enabled configuration option.
px_send_page_activitiesConfiguration has been removed.Asynchronous activities should always be sent and should not be turned off.
px_enable_access_control_headerConfiguration has been removed.See the changes to the px_custom_access_control_header custom subroutine.
px_csp_enabledConfiguration has been removed.The CSP feature has been removed.
px_bypass_monitor_headerConfiguration default value has changed.The default value has changed from an empty string to "x-px-block".
px_sensitive_headers_enabledConfiguration value has been removed.The subroutine px_custom_unset_sensitive_headers is invoked always.
px_filter_on_cache_hit_enabledConfiguration value has been removed.The feature has been removed.

3. Validate the subroutines and tables in the PX_CUSTOM VCL file.

How to change the PX_CUSTOM file?

  1. Make a copy of your PX_CUSTOM VCL file on your local computer (for safekeeping).
  2. Upload the new v12 PX_CUSTOM VCL file to your Fastly service.
  3. One by one, compare each custom subroutine in your old PX_CUSTOM VCL with the new subroutine. Transfer the previously existing implementation to the new PX_CUSTOM VCL file, modifying it as needed. All desired logic should remain the same (pay special attention to conditionals and regular expressions!); most if not all the changes will likely be related to header names and return values. See the table below for details about specific subroutines.
Custom Subroutine NameChangeNotes
px_custom_check_block_post_urlSubroutine has been removed.This subroutine was not invoked in previous versions and had no effect.
px_custom_check_block_by_sizeSubroutine has been removed.This subroutine was not invoked in previous versions and had no effect.
px_custom_check_enabled_routeSubroutine has been removed.This logic can be implemented in your MAIN VCL as desired.
px_custom_redirectSubroutine has been removed.This logic can be implemented in your MAIN VCL as desired.
px_custom_data_enrichment_handlerSubroutine has been removed.This logic can be implemented in your MAIN VCL as desired.
px_custom_captcha_handlerSubroutine has been removed.Use the px_custom_block_handler custom subroutine instead.
px_custom_access_control_headerSubroutine has been removed.Use the px_custom_cors_set_custom_block_response_headers custom subroutine instead.
px_custom_create_block_pageSubroutine has been renamed.The new subroutine is named px_custom_block_page_content.
px_custom_create_synthetic_mobile_responseSubroutine has been removed.Mobile block response structures should not be modified as this will interfere with the Mobile SDK's functionality. If this is problematic for your setup, please reach out to your HUMAN Solution Architect.
px_custom_create_synthetic_web_responseSubroutine has been renamed.The new subroutine is named px_custom_web_block_page_response.
px_custom_block_handlerSubroutine has been removed.Use the px_custom_web_block_page_response custom subroutine instead.
px_custom_post_block_handlerSubroutine has been removed.This subroutine was not invoked in previous versions and had no effect.
px_custom_is_login_requestSubroutine has been changed.This subroutine now returns a string value instead of setting the req.http.login-set header.
px_custom_login_extraction_callbackSubroutine has been changedThe req.http.login-set header used in this subroutine has been renamed to req.http.px-creds:endpoint-index.
px_custom_set_login_successful_response_headerSubroutine has been changed.This subroutine now returns a string value of "0" or "1" indicating whether the login was successful instead setting the resp.http.x-px-login-successful header.
px_custom_extract_jwt_additional_fieldsSubroutine has been changed.This subroutine now expects a string return value in format of "fieldName1":"fieldValue1","fieldName2":"fieldValue2" (without initial { and final } required for JSON syntax) rather than setting the header req.http.px-jwt:Additional-Fields.
px_custom_additional_activity_handlerSubroutine has been changed.The subroutine has been moved from the px_deliver subroutine to the px_recv subroutine (after restart/cookie parsing).

Some tables and dictionaries in the PX_CUSTOM VCL file have also changed. See the table below for details.

Table NameChangeNotes
px_login_credentials_extractionTable options have changed.The use_callback key has been removed. Instead, the sent_through key can be set to "custom" to achieve the same effect.
cs_dataTable has been removed.The table was used previously to store the Fastly API token and the px_enforcer_config_rdata_id, which have been moved to the px_configs table instead.
px_csp_dataTable has been removed.The CSP feature has been removed.
px_enforcer_config_rdataTable has been changed to dictionary.The table is no longer present in the PX_CUSTOM VCL file and must always be added to the Fastly service as a dictionary.

If upgrading from 9.x and earlier...

As part of an effort to reduce HUMAN's Fastly VCL workspace footprint, many custom subroutines in the PX_CUSTOM VCL file have been changed to return boolean values instead of setting headers.

Please pay special attention to these custom subroutines:

  • px_custom_check_sensitive_route
  • px_custom_check_sensitive_graphql_operation
  • px_custom_filter_by_http_method
  • px_custom_filter_by_user_agent
  • px_custom_filter_by_route
  • px_custom_filter_by_extension
  • px_custom_filter_by_ip
  • px_custom_enforced_routes
  • px_custom_monitored_routes
  • px_custom_check_enabled_route



We've adjusted px_custom_check_sensitive_route subroutine to return a boolean value instead of setting a header.

Here is the previous implementation of this subroutine:

# implementation in v9.x and below
sub px_custom_check_sensitive_route {
    if (req.url.path ~ {"<sensitive_routes>"}) {
        set req.http.X-PX-sensitive-route = "1";

Compare this with the newer implementation of the subroutine:

# implementation in v12
sub px_custom_check_sensitive_route BOOL {
    if (req.url.path ~ {"<sensitive_routes>"}) {
        return true;
    return false;

The regular expression in the condition (i.e., <sensitive_routes>) should stay the same for both implementations. The difference is that instead of setting the X-PX-sensitive-route header, we can simply return true.

4. Remove references to X-PX-* headers.

In version 9.x and earlier, HUMAN used headers beginning with x-px-* to store information during the duration of the Fastly request life cycle. These headers have been renamed in version 12 and will no longer be present on the request. Any references to these headers in your Fastly VCL code should be removed.



If you have logic in your Fastly VCL files that relies on these x-px-* headers, please reach out to your HUMAN Solution Architect or Customer Support for guidance on how to align this code with version 12.

5. Add remote configuration parameters and dictionaries.

Version 12 includes the new remote configuration feature. Remote configuration is a feature that lets you access and modify your Enforcer’s configuration remotely without redeploying. This also allows the HUMAN team to troubleshoot or customize your Enforcer directly. Remote configuration is required as part of your Enforcer setup.



HUMAN will never change your Enforcer configuration without your permission. You can learn more about remote configurations with our help article.

  • Please refer to the instructions here for how to add the new remote configuration fields to your PX_CONFIGS VCL file.
  • Please refer to the instructions here for how to add in the required dictionaries to your Fastly VCL service.

6. Add a call to px_log in the vcl_log subroutine

As part of version 12 we have moved the sending of our async activities to the px_log subroutine, which should be called at the beginning of the vcl_log subroutine. Please add a call to the px_log subroutine at the beginning of the vcl_log subroutine (see Install the Fastly VCL Enforcer v12 for an example).