Migrating SDK from v2 to v3

Start the SDK

In version 2.x, the start function is called with four parameters: appId, delegate, enableDoctorCheck and completion.

In version 3.0, there are two start functions, both of them has only three parameters: appId (or appIds), delegate and policy. Those functions throw an error on failure. Also, this function should be called only once.

In version 3.0, the setPolicy function was removed. The policy can be set via the PerimeterX/start(appId:delegate:policy:) function.

In version 3.0, the hybrid app support is disabled by default (it was enabled in 2.x). To enable it, the PXPolicy/hybridAppSupportEnabled property need to be set to true. the function turnOffHybridAppSupport was removed.

In version 3.0, the PXPolicy's properites were changed. In order to configure automatic interception you should use the new PXPolicyUrlRequestInterceptionType enum and the new PXPolicy/urlRequestInterceptionType property.

Set custom parameters

In version 2.x, the setCustomParameters function had a completion handler. It was removed in 3.0.

Other functions

In version 3.0, the signature of canHandleResponse function was changed. However, the function receive the same parameters.

In version 3.0, the signature of handleResponse function was changed. However, the function receive the same parameters.

In version 3.0, the signature of setUserId function was changed. However, the function receive the same parameters.

In version 3.0, the signature of registerOutgoingUrlRequest function was changed. However, the function receive the same parameters.

In version 3.0, the function addInitializationFinishedCallback was removed.

In version 3.0, registerCallbackForRequestBlockedEvent, registerCallbackForChallengeSolvedEvent, registerCallbackForChallengeCancelledEvent functions were removed.

Error codes

In version 3.0, the PerimeterXErrorCode enum was change: initializationFailed and initializationAlreadyRunning were removed. New cases were added.