
A function that creates an out-of-the box CloudFront request handler with the HumanSecurityEnforcer already integrated into it.

createHumanEnforceHandler(config: HumanSecurityConfiguration) => CloudFrontRequestHandler
  • Parameters
    • config: HumanSecurityConfiguration
  • Returns a CloudFrontRequestHandler function in the form of (event: CloudFrontRequestEvent, context: Context) => Promise<CloudFrontRequest | CloudFrontResponseResult>


A function that creates an out-of-the box CloudFront request handler for first party requests.

createHumanFirstPartyHandler(config: MarkOptional<HumanSecurityConfiguration, 'px_auth_token' | 'px_cookie_secret'>) => CloudFrontRequestHandler
  • Parameters
    • config: HumanSecurityConfiguration (except that the px_auth_token and px_cookie_secret configurations are optional)
  • Returns a CloudFrontRequestHandler in the form of (event: CloudFrontRequestEvent, context: Context) => Promise<CloudFrontRequest | CloudFrontResponseResult>


A function that creates an out-of-the box CloudFront response handler with the HumanSecurityPostEnforcer already integrated into it.

createHumanActivitiesHandler(config: HumanSecurityConfiguration) => CloudFrontResponseHandler
  • Parameters
    • config: HumanSecurityConfiguration
  • Returns a CloudFrontResponseHandler in the form of (event: CloudFrontResponseEvent, context: Context) => Promise


The entity responsible for performing HUMAN enforcement at the viewer-request or origin-request event.


A static function that creates a new instance of the HumanSecurityEnforcer class from a HumanSecurityConfiguration object.

HumanSecurityEnforcer.initialize(config: HumanSecurityConfiguration) => HumanSecurityEnforcer
  • Parameters
    • config: HumanSecurityConfiguration
  • Returns a new instance of the HumanSecurityEnforcer


Executes the enforcement functionality, returning either a CloudFront response or null depending on which action should be taken.

enforce(request: CloudFrontRequest, context?: Context) => Promise<CloudFrontResultResponse | null>


The second parameter, context, was added as an optional parameter in version 4.2.0.



The HumanSecurityFirstParty class was added in version 4.3.0.

The entity responsible for handling HUMAN first party requests at the origin-request event.


A static function that creates a new instance of the HumanSecurityFirstParty class from a HumanSecurityConfiguration object.

HumanSecurityFirstParty.initialize(config: HumanSecurityConfiguration) => HumanSecurityFirstParty
  • Parameters
    • config: HumanSecurityConfiguration (except that the px_auth_token and px_cookie_secret configurations are optional)
  • Returns a new instance of the HumanSecurityFirstParty


Executes the first party functionality, returning a CloudFront request, a CloudFront response, or null depending on which action should be taken by the handler.

If a request or response are returned, then the incoming request has been identified as a first party request, and the resulting value should be returned from the handler. If the resulting value is null, then the incoming request is not a first party request.

handleFirstParty(request: CloudFrontRequest, context?: Context) => Promise<CloudFrontRequest | CloudFrontResultResponse | null>


The entity responsible for performing HUMAN post-enforcement at the origin-response event.


A static function that creates a new instance of the HumanSecurityPostEnforcer class from a HumanSecurityConfiguration object.

HumanSecurityPostEnforcer.initialize(config: HumanSecurityConfiguration) => HumanSecurityPostEnforcer
  • Parameters
    • config: HumanSecurityConfiguration
  • Returns a new instance of the HumanSecurityPostEnforcer


Performs any post-enforcement processing actions such as sending HUMAN data to the collector.

postEnforce(request: CloudFrontRequest, response: CloudFrontResponse) => Promise<void>