A function that creates an out-of-the box CloudFront request handler with the HumanSecurityEnforcer already integrated into it.
createHumanEnforceHandler(config: HumanSecurityConfiguration) => CloudFrontRequestHandler
- Parameters
- config: HumanSecurityConfiguration
- Returns a CloudFrontRequestHandler function in the form of (event: CloudFrontRequestEvent, context: Context) => Promise<CloudFrontRequest | CloudFrontResponseResult>
A function that creates an out-of-the box CloudFront request handler for first party requests.
createHumanFirstPartyHandler(config: MarkOptional<HumanSecurityConfiguration, 'px_auth_token' | 'px_cookie_secret'>) => CloudFrontRequestHandler
- Parameters
- config: HumanSecurityConfiguration (except that the
configurations are optional)
- config: HumanSecurityConfiguration (except that the
- Returns a CloudFrontRequestHandler in the form of (event: CloudFrontRequestEvent, context: Context) => Promise<CloudFrontRequest | CloudFrontResponseResult>
A function that creates an out-of-the box CloudFront response handler with the HumanSecurityPostEnforcer already integrated into it.
createHumanActivitiesHandler(config: HumanSecurityConfiguration) => CloudFrontResponseHandler
- Parameters
- config: HumanSecurityConfiguration
- Returns a CloudFrontResponseHandler in the form of (event: CloudFrontResponseEvent, context: Context) => Promise
The entity responsible for performing HUMAN enforcement at the viewer-request or origin-request event.
A static function that creates a new instance of the HumanSecurityEnforcer class from a HumanSecurityConfiguration object.
HumanSecurityEnforcer.initialize(config: HumanSecurityConfiguration) => HumanSecurityEnforcer
- Parameters
- config: HumanSecurityConfiguration
- Returns a new instance of the HumanSecurityEnforcer
Executes the enforcement functionality, returning either a CloudFront response or null depending on which action should be taken.
enforce(request: CloudFrontRequest, context?: Context) => Promise<CloudFrontResultResponse | null>
- Parameters
- request: CloudFrontRequest
- context?: Context
- Returns a Promise resolving to an CloudFrontResponseResult or null.
The second parameter,
, was added as an optional parameter in version 4.2.0.
class was added in version 4.3.0.
The entity responsible for handling HUMAN first party requests at the origin-request event.
A static function that creates a new instance of the HumanSecurityFirstParty class from a HumanSecurityConfiguration object.
HumanSecurityFirstParty.initialize(config: HumanSecurityConfiguration) => HumanSecurityFirstParty
- Parameters
- config: HumanSecurityConfiguration (except that the
configurations are optional)
- config: HumanSecurityConfiguration (except that the
- Returns a new instance of the HumanSecurityFirstParty
Executes the first party functionality, returning a CloudFront request, a CloudFront response, or null depending on which action should be taken by the handler.
If a request or response are returned, then the incoming request has been identified as a first party request, and the resulting value should be returned from the handler. If the resulting value is null, then the incoming request is not a first party request.
handleFirstParty(request: CloudFrontRequest, context?: Context) => Promise<CloudFrontRequest | CloudFrontResultResponse | null>
- Parameters
- request: CloudFrontRequest
- context?: Context
- Returns a Promise resolving to a CloudFrontRequest, CloudFrontResponseResult, or null.
The entity responsible for performing HUMAN post-enforcement at the origin-response event.
A static function that creates a new instance of the HumanSecurityPostEnforcer class from a HumanSecurityConfiguration object.
HumanSecurityPostEnforcer.initialize(config: HumanSecurityConfiguration) => HumanSecurityPostEnforcer
- Parameters
- config: HumanSecurityConfiguration
- Returns a new instance of the HumanSecurityPostEnforcer
Performs any post-enforcement processing actions such as sending HUMAN data to the collector.
postEnforce(request: CloudFrontRequest, response: CloudFrontResponse) => Promise<void>
- Parameters
- request: CloudFrontRequest
- response: CloudFrontResponse
- Returns Promise.
Updated about 2 months ago