

The HUMAN Fastly JavaScript Compute@Edge enforcer requires access to:


  1. Get started by creating a Fastly C@E Service and downloading the Fastly CLI (if you haven't already).
  2. Use the HUMAN Fastly JavaScript Compute@Edge starter kit or install the HUMAN Enforcer NPM package into your existing Fastly project.
# if you want to start a brand new project
fastly compute init --from= --language=javascript

# if you have an existing project
npm i --save perimeterx-fastly-js-edge
  1. Integrate the HUMAN Enforcer into your project.

For an out-of-the box request handler with the HUMAN Enforcer integrated into it already, simply import and use the createEnforcedRequestHandler function.

import { createEnforcedRequestHandler } from "perimeterx-fastly-js-edge";

// define HUMAN configuration
const config = {
    px_app_id: '<APP_ID>',
    px_cookie_secret: '<COOKIE_SECRET>',
    px_auth_token: '<AUTH_TOKEN>',

// define what to do when requests pass HUMAN enforcement
const onPass = (event) => {
    console.log('handling HUMAN-validated request')
    return fetch(event.request, { backend: '<ORIGIN_NAME>' })

// define what to do for block responses (optional)
const onResponse = (response) => {
    console.log('handling response from HUMAN enforcer');
    return response;

// create request handler
const handleRequest = createEnforcedRequestHandler(config, onPass, onResponse);

// invoke handleRequest on incoming fetch event
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => event.respondWith(handleRequest(event)));

The example below shows what the createEnforcedRequestHandler() function does behind the scenes. For a more customized solution, create a new HumanSecurityEnforcer instance and use it in your request handler as desired.

The recommended usage is to:

  • initialize the HumanSecurityEnforcer, call the enforce() function, and return any resulting response as early as possible in the request flow to minimize invocation of unnecessary logic.
  • call the postEnforce() right before returning the response from the request handler to ensure any necessary response modifications are performed and HUMAN data is sent to the collector.
import { HumanSecurityEnforcer } from 'perimeterx-fastly-js-edge';

// define HUMAN configuration
const config = {
    px_app_id: '<APP_ID>',
    px_cookie_secret: '<COOKIE_SECRET>',
    px_auth_token: '<AUTH_TOKEN>',

async function handleRequest(event) {
    // create enforcer with configuration params
    const enforcer = await HumanSecurityEnforcer.initialize(config);

    // await enforcement
    let response = await enforcer.enforce(event);

    // return enforcer response (first party or block) if it exists
    if (response) {

        // if any block response modifications are needed, perform them here
        return response;

    // perform logic to fetch desired response, for example:
    response = await fetch(event.request, { backend: '<ORIGIN_NAME>' });

    // await any necessary post-processing
    await enforcer.postEnforce(response);

    // return response
    return response;

// invoke handleRequest on incoming fetch event
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => event.respondWith(handleRequest(event)));
  1. Add or modify the required HUMAN backends in your fastly.toml file (see here for more info) and/or directly to your Fastly service, replacing the application ID placholder with your application ID.
  address = ""
  description = "The Human Score API backend"

  address = ""
  description = "The Human Collector backend"

  address = ""
  description = "The Human backend that serves the client sensor"

  address = ""
  description = "The Human backend that serves the captcha script"


Backend Names

The default names of these backends are human_sapi, human_collector, human_client, and human_captcha. If the default human_* backend names are changed, the new backend names must be explicitly indicated in the Enforcer configuration using the px_backend_score_name, px_backend_collector_name, px_backend_client_name, and px_backend_captcha_name configurations, respectively.

  1. Build, test, and deploy the worker using the Fastly CLI.
# builds and packages the worker
fastly compute build

# test the worker locally
fastly compute serve

# deploy the worker to Fastly
fastly compute deploy

# update an existing service
fastly compute update -p ./path/to/packaged_worker.tar.gz --version=latest --autoclone

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