Configuration Options
Configuring Required Parameters
Configuration options are set on the $perimeterxConfig
Required parameters:
- app_id
- cookie_key
- auth_token
- module_mode
All parameters are obtainable via the HUMAN Portal. (Applications and Policies pages)
Changing the Minimum Score for Blocking
Default blocking value: 100
$perimeterxConfig = [
'blocking_score' => 75
Custom Blocking Actions
In order to customize the action performed on a valid block value, use the 'custom_block_handler' option, and provide a user-defined function.
The custom handler should contain the action to be taken, when a visitor receives a score higher than the 'blocking_score' value.
A common customization option can be supplying a custom branded block page.
Default block behaviour: return an HTTP status code of 403 and serve the HUMAN block page.
* @param \Perimeterx\PerimeterxContext $pxCtx
$perimeterxConfig['custom_block_handler'] = function ($pxCtx)
$block_score = $pxCtx->getScore();
$block_uuid = $pxCtx->getUuid();
// user defined logic goes here
$px = Perimeterx::Instance($perimeterxConfig);
Serving a Custom HTML Page
* @param \Perimeterx\PerimeterxContext $pxCtx
$perimeterxConfig['custom_block_handler'] = function ($pxCtx)
$block_score = $pxCtx->getScore();
$block_uuid = $pxCtx->getUuid();
$full_url = $pxCtx->getFullUrl();
$html = '<div>Access to ' . $full_url . ' has been blocked.</div> ' +
'<div>Block reference - ' . $block_uuid . ' </div> ' +
'<div>Block score - ' . $block_score . '</div>';
//echo $html;
header("Status: 403");
$px = Perimeterx::Instance($perimeterxConfig);
Updated 3 months ago