

In order to start HAProxy Enforcer installation, please collect the output of the following two commands and send to your Solution Architect or HUMAN Support:

cat /etc/os-release

haproxy -vv

Upon receiving this information, you will receive an archive with HAProxy Enforcer files, built for your system.


  • HAProxy must be in “HTTP” mode
  • HAProxy should not use chroot directive (the Enforcer plugin must communicate with external servers, which is not permitted in “chroot” environment)


Dependencies installation:

The following packages are required:

  • apr-1
  • apr-util-1
  • libcurl
  • openssl
  • jansson
  • lua
  • pcre

Linux distribution specific installation instructions:

  • For Debian/Ubuntu distribution: apt-get update && apt-get install -y libcurl4 libapr1 libjansson4 libaprutil1 curl libpcre3 liblua5.4
  • For Alpine Linux distribution: apk add apr-util apr jansson curl pcre lua5.4

Enforcer files installation:

From the archive received from HUMAN, extract and copy files:

  • px_haproxy.lua to /usr/local/lib/ directory
  • file to /usr/local/lib/lua/5.4/ directory (create this directory if it doesn't exist)

Modify haproxy.cfg HAProxy configuration file:

  • Add lua-load /usr/local/lib/px_haproxy.lua line to global section
  • To all frontends with HTTP mode (`mode http`) add use_backend %[lua.px_handle_request] line to redirect incoming traffic to PX HAProxy module
  • Add a new HTTP backend request_pass: this backend handles traffic which is marked as "human requests". Add http-response lua.px_handle_response line, to append PX specific headers to outgoing responses
  • Add a new HTTP backend request_block: this backend handles traffic which is marked as "blocked", with the following content:
    backend request_block
        mode http
        # display Enforcer Captcha page
        http-request use-service lua.px_response

Minimal haproxy.cfg example:


    # Enforcer module could take a few seconds during cold start
    tune.lua.session-timeout 10s
    tune.lua.service-timeout 10s

    # load PX HAProxy module, file must be present in `/usr/local/lib/lua/5.4/` directory
    # please edit "px_haproxy.lua" file first to adjust PX module configuration
    lua-load ./px_haproxy.lua

frontend fe
    bind *:80

    # PX HAProxy module accepts HTTP requests
    mode http

    # let PX module inspect HTTP request
    http-request lua.px_handle_request

    # "txn.px_first_party" variable will be "true" if the request is handled by "first party"
    http-request use-service lua.px_handle_first_party if { var(txn.px_first_party) -m bool }
    # "txn.px_block" variable will be "true" if the request must be blocked
	use_backend px_backend if { var(txn.px_block) -m bool }

    default_backend backend

# for "non-blocked" requests
backend backend
    mode http

    # append PX headers to outgoing responses
    http-response lua.px_handle_response

    server s1 web-backend-server

# display PX blocking page for blocked requests
# send response for "first party" requests
backend px_backend
    mode http
    http-request use-service lua.px_response

Enable threads support

By default HAProxy prevents modules from creating new threads. But PX HAProxy Enforcer spawns several threads while working.

The solution: