Data Schema (Logs)

Supported types

  • Legitimate
  • Block


The data schema for each log type is returned with the following fields:


Field NameDescriptionValue
timestampTime of the request
px_app_idHUMAN app ID assigned per application
px_vidVisitor ID designated by HUMAN cookie
px_client_uuidPage view identifier designated by HUMAN
full_urlFull URL of the request (including domain, request params, etc.)
domainParent domain for the request as derived from location href (URL)
pathPath the request originates from (within the customer’s domain)
risk_rttRoundtrip time for risk_api (from the enforcer to the collector and back)
risk_scoreScoring of the requestBetween 0 and 100
user_agentUser Agent string the request came from
countryThe country the request came from
cityThe city the request came from
os_familyType of operating system used in the request
os_versionThe version of the operating system used in the request
browser_versionThe version of the browser used
browser_familyType of browser used
true_ip_asn_nameISP provider for the request's original IP
true_ip_classificationAny known classifications/characteristics we might have for the original IP
true_ipOriginal IP for the request (ignoring CDN/load balancer)
client_ipIP the request came from
incident_typesRequests are tagged with the types of detection which flagged them. See this section for possible values.
ivtRequests are tagged with the types of IVT taxonomy they were flagged with. See this section for possible values.
filter_typeIndicating if the request is classified as "always deny" or "always allow"
referrerThe previous page the request came from (the page that led to this request)
request_idThe ID of the request
custom_parameter1-10Custom parameters as defined by the customer
breached_accountValue is set to true if the request was flagged as breached by HUMAN Credential Intelligence product
http_methodThe HTTP method used in communication (for example, between the end user's browser and the client’s server)
filter_originIndicating the origin of the filter, either customer or HUMAN
filter_idThe filter identifier
filter_categoryIndicating what category the filter belongs to, for example, "known bots"


Field NameDescriptionValue
timestampTime of the request
px_app_idHUMAN app ID assigned per application
px_vidVisitor ID designated by HUMAN cookie
px_client_uuidPage view identifier designated by HUMAN
full_urlFull URL of the request (including domain, request params, etc.)
domainParent domain for the request as derived from location href (URL)
pathPath the request originates from (within the customer’s domain)
rsk_rttRoundtrip time for risk_api (from the enforcer to the collector and back)
user_agentUser Agent string the request came from
countryCountry the request came from
cityCity the request came from
os_familyType of operating system used in the request
os_versionVersion of operating system used in the request
browser_versionVersion of the browser used
browser_familyType of browser used
true_ip_asn_nameISP provider for the request's original IP
true_ip_classificationAny known classifications/characteristics we might have for the original IP
true_ipOriginal IP for the request (ignoring CDN/load balancer)
client_ipIP the request came from
incident_typesRequests are tagged with the types of detection which flagged it. See this section for possible values.
ivtRequests are tagged with the types of IVT taxonomy they were flagged with. See this section for possible values.
filter_typeIndicating if the request is classified as "always deny" or "always allow"
simulated_blockWas there actual block activity or just a simulation for statistics and monitoring purposes
referrerThe previous page the request came from (the page that led to this request)
custom_parameter1-9Custom parameters as defined by the customer
breached_accountValue is set to true if the request was flagged as breached by HUMAN Credential Intelligence
filter_originIndicating what is the origin of the filter, the customer or HUMAN
filter_idThe filter identifier
filter_categoryIndicating what category the filter belongs to. For example, known bots.


Field NameDescriptionValue
event_typecaptcha_pass, captcha_block*
timestampTime of the request
px_app_idHUMAN app ID assigned per application
px_vidVisitor ID designated by HUMAN cookie
px_client_uuidPage view identifier designated by HUMAN
full_urlFull URL of the request (including domain, request params, etc.)
domainParent domain for the request as derived from location href (URL)
pathPath the request originates from (within the customer’s domain)
risk_scoreScore estimating likelihood of the request originating from bot traffic. Range: 0 (human) to 100 (bot)
risk_rttRoundtrip time for risk_api (from the enforcer to the collector and back)
user_agentUser Agent string the request came from
countryCountry the request came from
cityCity the request came from
os_familyType of operating system used in the request
os_versionVersion of operating system used in the request
browser_familyType of browser used
browser_versionVersion of the browser used
true_ip_asn_nameISP provider for the request’s original IP
true_ip_classificationKnown classifications/characteristics for the original IP
true_ipOriginal IP for the request (ignoring CDN/load balancer)
client_ipIP the request came from
incident_typesRequests tagged with the detection types that flagged it. See section for values.
ivtRequests tagged with the IVT taxonomy types flagged. See section for values.
referrerThe previous page the request came from (the page that led to this request)
captcha_typeChallenge type (e.g. HUMAN challenge)
challenge_tries_countNumber of incomplete hold attempts of the Human Challenge
custom_parameter1-9Custom parameters defined by the customer
breached_accountValue is set to true if the request was flagged as breached by HUMAN Credential Intelligence
filter_typeIndicates if the request is classified as "always deny" or "always allow"
filter_idThe filter identifier
filter_originIndicates the origin of the filter, either customer or HUMAN
filter_categoryIndicates what category the filter belongs to (e.g., known bots)
human_challenge_release_versionIndicates when a user used the accessible challenge icon option2b
  • captcha_pass - if captcha was solved
  • captcha_block - if the activity was blocked by captcha

Account Defender Logs

Single incidents logs

Field NameDescription
timestampTime of the request
user_idAccount ID as known on the customer side
vidVisitor ID designated by the HUMAN cookie
activity_typeActivity type (e.g., fingerprint - Sensor, page_requester - Enforcer, app_info - mobile)
deviceHash of the device browser fingerprint
ipIP the request originates from
user_agentUser agent the request originates from
pathPath the request originates from (within the customer’s domain)
scoreScore assigned by Account Defender - an integer in the range of 1-100
asnISP provider for the request's original IP
countryCountry the request originates from
stateState the request originates from
cityCity the request originates from
continentContinent the request originates from
carrierCarrier for the request's original IP
organizationNetwork organization of the request's original IP
anonymizer_statusAnonymizer status for the request's original IP
proxy_typeProxy for the request's original IP
hosting_facilityHosting for the request's original IP
attack_patternAttack pattern classified by Account Defender
matched_rules_namesAccount Defender rules matched against the request
custom_param1Custom parameter 1 defined by the customer
custom_param2Custom parameter 2 defined by the customer
custom_param3Custom parameter 3 defined by the customer
custom_param4Custom parameter 4 defined by the customer
custom_param5Custom parameter 5 defined by the customer
custom_param6Custom parameter 6 defined by the customer
custom_param7Custom parameter 7 defined by the customer
custom_param8Custom parameter 8 defined by the customer
custom_param9Custom parameter 9 defined by the customer
custom_param10Custom parameter 10 defined by the customer
sensitive_transactionClassification of the path, if the path was defined as a sensitive one
account_ageThe age of the account on the customer side (i.e., time since registration) in hours

Network incidents logs

Field NameDescription
timestampTime of incident creation
attack_typeAn attack classification of the network incident
scoreScore assigned by Account Defender, ranging from 1 to 100
network_typeType of the network attack that was detected by Account Defender
network_idID of the network attack that was detected by Account Defender
user_idsList of account IDs that are part of the network incident, as known on the customer side
matched_rule_idID of the Account Defender rule that matched against the network
matched_rule_nameName of the Account Defender rule that matched against the network

Incident Types

Type IDNameDescription
12UI AnomalyUser interface interaction typical of non-human users
13Denied ServiceOne or more of the client's properties was denied
14Custom DenylistThe request was denied because of a customer-defined rule
15Cloud ServiceThe request was detected as a cloud service
16Anonymizing ServiceRequest originates from a Cloud Provider, VPN, Anonymizing Proxy, or spoofed IP
17Bot BehaviorBehavioral patterns deviate from typical human activity
18SpoofThe detected browser does not match the declared browser
19Predictive AnalyticsAnomalies in behavioral data relevant for the request
20Automation ToolRequest properties indicate the use of an automation tool
21Bad ReputationUsers with the same properties previously performed malicious activities
22Volumetric RuleActivity exceeded volumetric policy definition
23Missing Sensor DataJavaScript sensor information was not sent
24Allowed Volume ExceededRequest volume anomaly detected
25Captcha Solving AttackIndications of a CAPTCHA solving attack, such as solving farms or automation

IVT (Invalid Traffic Taxonomy)

ABAutomated Browsing
DCData Center
FRFalse Representation
KCKnown Crawler
UCUndisclosed Classification