Integration with gRPC [BETA]

The SDK can be integrated into gRPC projects.

Start the SDK

The automatic interceptor is not supported in gRPC, so you should disable requests interception by setting the PXPolicy/requestsInterceptedAutomaticallyEnabled to false.

policy.requestsInterceptedAutomaticallyEnabled = false

Adding SDK's HTTP headers to your gRPC requests

In order to include the SDK's HTTP headers in your gRPC requests, you should add them to your request's metadata.

val headers = PerimeterX.INSTANCE.headersForURLRequest()
val metadata = Metadata()
for ((key, value) in headers!!) {
	metadata.put(Metadata.Key.of(key, Metadata.ASCII_STRING_MARSHALLER), value)

// send you gRPC request with `metadata`...

Now, use the call option instance when you call your send your gRPC request.

Handle block responses from your server

After receiving an error in the server's response, the gRPC library will throw an exception. pass the information to SDK with the handleResponse function.

try {
	// send your gRPC request...
} catch (statusException: StatusException) {
  PerimeterX.INSTANCE.handleResponse(null, statusException.status.description!!, 403)