Sensor Information Extraction

An API for extracting and presenting Sensor information.


The feature is enabled by adding the following app configuration and setting it to True (Default: False).

How To Use

  1. Ensure that the feature configuration is set to True.
  2. Navigate to any URL where the Sensor is enabled in the browser.
  3. In the developer tools, open the console tab.
  4. Run this code.
    window['_hcd_details'] && window['_hcd_details']();
  5. Normally, the code prints a table with all the information mentioned in the details section. However, if the response is "false", this means that the Sensor has not been started.

Extracted Sensor Details

1App IDstring
2Sensor Script Sourcestring
3Sensor Initiatedboolean
7Mitigation Enabledboolean
8Mitigation Rules Versionstring
9Feature FlagsArray as string
10UA Familystring
11UA Versionstring
12Custom ParamsArray as string