How to integrate the SDK in your application
Introducing the software documentation and the demo app!
The software documentation provides elaborated information on every class, function and member in the SDK. Please choose the relevant SDK version:
The demo app gives you a general idea on how you should implement the SDK in you app. To download, please follow those steps:
- Open the demo app repo.
- Download the content of the repo.
- Unzip the file and open the Android demo app.
The following are required to install the SDK:
- Administrative access to the HUMAN Portal to:
- Retrieve the HUMANÂ application ID (AppID).
- Set the token expiration and validity.
- An active HUMAN Enforcer.
Permissions and dependencies
Add the following permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml file:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
Dependencies are added automatically
Dependencies don't have to be added when adding the SDK via JFrog. However, they are still needed when you add the SDK manually.
Update your OkHttp library to v4
If your app is using OkHttp v3, there will be a conflict that could cause unexpected errors in runtime. Notice that you should update both `okhttp` and `logging-interceptor` libraries.
Adding HUMAN SDK to your project
You can add the SDK to your project with one of the following options:
- Add the following repository to your
maven { url '' }
maven { url = uri("") }
- Add the following dependency to your
and set the HUMAN Android SDK version:
implementation 'com.perimeterx.sdk:msdk:<Version>'
- Download the AAR file from or use the following command line:
curl -LO
- Put the
in the libs folder of your app. - Add the following dependency to your
implementation files('libs/PerimeterX-release.aar')
- Add the following dependencies to your
file (please refer to the relevant SDK version):
implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.10.1' // max v1.10.1
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.6.1' // min v1.0.0
implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.1.4' // min v2.0.0
implementation 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-process:2.6.2' // min v2.6.0
implementation 'androidx.datastore:datastore-preferences:1.0.0' // exact v1.0.0
implementation '' // min v1.6.0 ; max v1.9.0
implementation '' // min v11.0.0
implementation 'com.fasterxml.uuid:java-uuid-generator:4.3.0' // min v3.0.0
implementation 'io.ktor:ktor-client-okhttp:2.3.4' // min v2.2.1 ; max 2.3.4
Issue with R8
R8 is a tool that is used to shrink, secure, and optimize Android applications.
When using this tool it could sometimes cause an issue with ktor library which included in the SDK.
To prevent this issue, we recommend addting the following rule in your proguard file:-keepclassmembers class kotlinx.** { volatile <fields>; }
How to start the SDK
Starting the SDK should be the first thing that runs in your app. Therefore, you should start it in your Application
- Import the SDK:
import com.perimeterx.mobile_sdk.PerimeterX
import com.perimeterx.mobile_sdk.PerimeterXDelegate
import com.perimeterx.mobile_sdk.main.PXPolicy
import com.perimeterx.mobile_sdk.PerimeterX;
import com.perimeterx.mobile_sdk.PerimeterXDelegate;
import com.perimeterx.mobile_sdk.main.PXPolicy;
- Make your
class to implement thePerimeterXDelegate
class MainApplication: Application(), PerimeterXDelegate
class MainApplication extends Application implements PerimeterXDelegate
- Create and configure the
object, in theApplication
val policy = PXPolicy()
// configure the policy instacne
PXPolicy nativePolicy = new PXPolicy();
// configure the policy instacne
- It's recommended to tell the SDK which domains it should intercept. Not setting domains will cause the SDK to intercept URL requests from ALL domains, including 3rd party libraries.
policy.setDomains(arrayListOf(""), "<APP_ID>")
ArrayList<String> domains = new ArrayList<>();
policy.setDomains(domains, "<APP_ID>");
- Call the
function, with your application, AppID and the policy, in theApplication
function. This function should be called only once.
try {
PerimeterX.start(this, "<APP_ID>", this, policy)
catch (exception: Exception) {
println("failed to start. error: ${exception.message}")
try {
PerimeterX.INSTANCE.start(this, "<APP_ID>", this, policy);
catch (Exception exception) {
Log.e("tag","failed to start. error: " + exception.getMessage());
- Add the HUMAN's interceptor (
) to yourHttpClient
's application interceptors list at the end. This is required for the "Automatic Interception".
private var okHttpClient: OkHttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
.addInterceptor(PXInterceptor()) // MUST BE THE LAST INTERCEPTOR IN THE CHAIN
private final OkHttpClient httpClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.addInterceptor(new MyInterceptor())
.addInterceptor(new PXInterceptor()) // MUST BE THE LAST INTERCEPTOR IN THE CHAIN
private val httpClient: HttpClient = HttpClient(OkHttp) {
engine {
addInterceptor(PXInterceptor()) // MUST BE THE LAST INTERCEPTOR IN THE CHAIN
What happens when you start the SDK
The PerimeterX/start(appId:delegate:policy:)
function set up the session for a given AppID. It's essential to call this function as early as possible in your application and before any URL request to your server.
Adding custom parameters
You may add custom parameters for additional configuration.
try {
PerimeterX.setCustomParameters(hashMapOf("custom_param1" to "hello", "custom_param2" to "world"))
catch (exception: Exception) {
println("error: ${exception.message}")
try {
PerimeterX.INSTANCE.setCustomParameters(customParameters, null);
catch (exception: Exception) {
Log.e("tag","failed to set custom parameters. error: " + exception.getMessage());
After writing the code above, the SDK will:
- Intercept your URL requests.
- Add SDK's HTTP headers to those URL requests.
- Handle block responses from the server by presenting a challenge to the user.
Next steps
Review the following topics:
- Integration verification and testing
- Manual integration
- Handle block responses from the server
- React Native support
- Hybrid App support
- Account Defender
- Multiple AppIDs support
- Migrating from earlier SDK versions
Updated 3 months ago