What's New
Version 7.3.1
Released 2024-07-17
- Remove lua-resty-nettle version restriction
- Install PX package symlink in OpenResty Lua directory
Version 7.3.0
Released 2023-06-13
- CORS support
- Set X-PX-COOKIES as the default custom cookie name
- _M.px_login_creds_settings configuration, to allow specify CI settings in Lua configuration file
- rename "px_graphql_paths" to "px_graphql_routes"
- correctly add GraphQL routes (requests must contain specified GraphQL Type/Name) to sensitive routes
Version 7.2.1
Released 2023-04-20
- custom_sensitive_routes a custom function to determine if url path is a sensitive route
Version 7.2.0
Released 2023-04-13
- custom_enabled_routes a custom function to determine if url path is an enabled route
- px_graphql_paths to specify a list of GraphQL endpoints
- support for JWT and pxcts
- support for multiple GraphQL endpoints
- Add CI paths to the sensitive routes
Released 2022-06-27
- Fixed an issue where the HUMANDE value was not available on the HUMAN context.
Released 2022-06-22
- Fixed an issue where multiple instances of the same header weren't handled properly.
- Fixed the field name in enforcer telemetry command.
Released 2022-05-10
- Call
only once for improved performance.
Released 2022-04-20
- Added Credentials Intelligence v2 hashing protocol as the default. The new protocol normalizes and hashes credentials according to a new algorithm that improves accuracy.
- Added custom parameters to
activities. - Changed the block page to use the new template.
Released 2022-03-21
- Added support for HUMAN Hype sales offering
Released 2022-03-17
- Added support for GraphQL, including visibility into the operation name & type, configuring sensitive GraphQL operations to auto-trigger risk api calls, and support for XI on GraphQL endpoints
- Added the ability to configure sensitive_routes
- Added support for HUMAN Credential Intelligence offering
Released 2021-07-25
- Whitelist URI pattern support
- Page requested activity now includes HTTP status code
Released 2021-05-02
- Issue with request body in login credentials extraction
Released 2021-03-20
- Support for form-urlencoded content type in login credentials extraction
Released 2021-03-19
- Support for multipart/form-data content type in login credentials extraction
Released 2021-03-17
- Added support for login credentials extraction
Released 2020-10-16
- Handle cookies as table in the
Released 2020-05-10
- Bug fix in the
Released 2020-04-26
- Added support for monitored routes.
- Added support for secure flag for HUMANHD cookies.
- Performance improvement fix in the
Released 2020-02-12
- Better iterations value validation
- Added the full url parameter in risk_api activities
Released 2019-10-06
- Support for testing blocking flow in monitor mode
- Support for custom cookie header
Released 2019-08-27
- Refactoring of split string functions.
Released 2019-08-25
- Linting related errors
Released 2019-08-05
- Fix for the orig_cookie
- Fix for the additional_activity_handler as part of the send_page_requested settings
Released 2019-07-14
- Fix on the cookie variable
Released 2019-06-23
- Fix to accept header extraction for application/json.
Released 2019-05-28
- Support for redirect to the referer on challenge solve
Released 2019-04-24
- Fix on the payload
Released 2019-04-23
- Additional check for proxy for http scheme in first party
- Fix on pxcookie/pxtoken
Released 2019-04-22
- Fix for proxy connection pool key for activities and telemetry
- Added Enforcer telemetry by request
Released 2019-04-16
- Fix for Proxy connection pool and scheme handling
Released 2019-04-07
- Added advanced blocking response (ABR) enablement flag
- Added proxy support
Released 2019-01-15
- Fixed for pxvid and _pxvid cookies
- Fix regarding whitelist ip filtering
Released 2019-01-09
- Fixed s2s call reason of no_cookie_w_vid
Released 2019-01-06
- Fixed HUMANHD cookie path
Released 2019-01-04
- Fixed mobile detection for captcha script
- Added HUMANHD handling
- Added async custom params
- Major token and cookie refactoring
Updated 12 days ago