First Party
To prevent suspicious or unwanted behavior on the client side, some browsers or extensions (such as an Adblock extension) may deny the frontend JavaScript code from making requests to other domains. This prevents the HUMAN Sensor from making requests to the HUMAN servers, which greatly limits our detection capabilities.
To avoid this, the First Party feature enables the Enforcer to be used as a proxy for HUMAN servers, and to serve content to the browser from a first party endpoint (i.e., an endpoint on the customer’s domain).
When the First Party feature is enabled, the Enforcer serves as a proxy for:
- HUMAN JS Sensor Client script
- Proxy activities sent from the HUMAN JS Sensor Client to the HUMAN backend servers (XHR)
The First Party feature configuration defines whether the Enforcer will respond to or ignore any of the above first-party calls.
We recommend to keep the First Party enabled at all times.
However, if for some reason you need to disable the First Party feature, follow the steps below:
v8.0.0 and up
- Open the PX_CONFIG.vcl file.
- Change the px_first_party_enabled value to "false" (disabled). The default value is “true” (enabled).
table px_configs {
"px_first_party_enabled": "false",
v7.2.0 and below
- Open the PX_CONFIG.vcl file.
- Change the FIRST_PARTY_MODE value to “0” (disabled). The default value is “1” (enabled).
table px_configs {
- Enter the First Party Sensor URL (APP_ID/init.js) in your browser. If you receive the Sensor's JS code, the First Party is configured successfully.
Updated 4 months ago