Snowflake Data Fields
After you've imported your HUMAN data into Snowflake, you'll be able to view the following data fields that correspond to each Snowflake view.
There are three Snowflake views available: mediaguard_prebid
and mediaguard_prebid_sampled
, which include pre-bid MediaGuard data, and mediguard_postbid
, which includes post-bid FraudSensor data.
The mediaguard_prebid
review pulls data from all MediaGuard requests during the selected time period, but the mediaguard_prebid_sampled
view pulls data from a smaller subset of MediaGuard requests to provide more detailed information about a limited data pool. Certain pre-bid fields are only available for sampled data.
- MediaGuard (pre-bid) fields
- FraudSensor (post-bid) fields
- App ID (app_id): (sampled data only) The app bundle where the ad was intended to be delivered, as provided by the publisher (for in-app mobile environments only).
- Bots (ivt_bots): The number of bid requests that were identified as invalid traffic (IVT).
- Customer ID (customer_id): The unique identifier associated with your HUMAN account.
- Device Type (device_type): The device type, as provided in your request to MediaGuard.
- Domain (domain): (sampled data only) The domain where the ad is intended to be delivered.
- GIVT (givt_bots): The number of bid requests that were categorized as General IVT (GIVT).
- IP Address: The IP address of where the ad impression (and HUMAN's detection tag) is intended to be delivered.
- IVT - Automated Browsing (ivt_bot_category_ab): The number of invalid bid requests that were driven by automated programs or scripts that did not declare themselves as crawlers.
- IVT - Data Center (ivt_bot_category_dc): The number of invalid bid requests that originated from servers in data centers whose IP addresses are linked to invalid activity.
- IVT - False Representation (ivt_bot_category_fr): The number of invalid bid requests that requested content that differed from the actual content that was supplied.
- IVT - Irregular Pattern (ivt_bot_category_fr): The number of invalid bid requests that were associated with patterns of irregular, nonhuman behavior.
- IVT - Known Crawler (ivt_bot_category_kc): The number of invalid bid requests that were driven by non-malicious automated scripts that declare themselves as nonhuman through a variety of standard identification mechanisms.
- IVT - Misleading User Interface (ivt_bot_category_mui):The number of invalid bid requests that resulted from a webpage, application, or other interface that was modified to falsely include one or more ads in an unintended location.
- IVT - Undisclosed Classification (ivt_bot_category_uc):The number of invalid bid requests that could not be classified as any other categories listed here, or any invalid bid requests discovered used sensitive techniques that HUMAN cannot disclose.
- IVT Categories (ivt_bot_category, ivt_bot_category_str): The IVT categories associated with the bid request.
- IVT Sub Categories (ivt_bot_subcategory, ivt_bot_subcategory_str): The IVT Sub Categories associated with the bid request.
- Media Type (media_type): The media type, as provided in your request to MediaGuard.
- Publisher ID (publisher_id): The publisher ID, as provided in your request to MediaGuard.
- SIVT (sivt_bots): The number of bid requests that were identified as Sophisticated IVT (SIVT).
- Supplier ID (supplier_id): The supplier ID, as provided in your request to MediaGuard.
- Timestamp (timestamp): The date and time that HUMAN recorded the bid request.
- Total Requests (requests): The total number of bid requests.
- User Agent: The user agent of the user who drove the bid request.
- Valid Requests (valid_requests): The number of valid bid requests.
- App Mismatch (app_mismatch): A Boolean value that, when true, indicates a mismatch between the app ID reported by the device where the impression occurred and the actual app ID detected by HUMAN (for in-app mobile environments only).
- Bot (bot): A Boolean value that, when true, indicates that the impression was identified as invalid traffic (IVT).
- Context (st_ad_context): The context in which the ad was delivered (web, in-app, etc.).
- Country (country): The country where the impression originated.
- Customer ID (customer_id): The unique identifier associated with your HUMAN account.
- Customer Tag (ct): A list of the parameters that you passed to HUMAN’s detection tag. These parameters include:
- Ad ID/Placement ID (pi): The unique identifier for the digital advertisement.
- Advertiser (ai): The advertiser or brand that ran the ad campaign associated with the impression.
- Buy Type (bt): Whether the ad was purchased through programmatic or direct buying.
- Campaign ID (ac): The unique identifier for tracking the advertising campaign associated with the impression.
- Custom Fields (c1 - c10): Any custom parameters that you passed to HUMAN’s tag.
- Dimensions (dm): The width and height of the ad creative, measured in pixels.
- Domain Intended (di): The domain where the ad was intended to be delivered.
- Prevention ID (pv): The impression’s corresponding MediaGuard prevention ID.
- Publisher ID (pp): The publisher of the traffic source.
- Reporting Fields (r1 - r10): Any data-rich parameters that you’d like to make accessible through HUMAN’s Reporting API.
- Supplier ID (sr): The domain of the supplier of the traffic source.
- Tag ID (dt): The identifier of the detection tag that detected the impression.
- Transaction ID (ti): A unique identifier that HUMAN uses to identify each impression.
- Detected App ID (detected_app_id): The app bundle in which the ad was delivered, as detected by HUMAN (for in-app mobile environments only)
- Device Type (st_device): The software and device type where the ad was delivered (Android mobile, Roku CTV, etc.).
- Domains (domains): Various domains associated with the impression, including:
- Domain Mismatch (mismatch): A Boolean value that, when true, indicates a mismatch between the Intended Domain field and the True Domain field.
- Href Domain (href_domain): The domain of the page or iframe where the impression occurred.
- Href URL Parameters (href_fields): Any URL query parameters (such as UTM fields) attached to the URL of the page where the impression occurred.
- Page (page): The webpage where the impression occurred.
- Referring Domain (ref_domain): The domain that referred the user to the site of the impression.
- True Domain (true_domain): The domain of the page where HUMAN’s detection tag was attached. If HUMAN’s detection tag was attached inside an iframe, this field may not be populated.
- Environment (environment): The type of environment where the ad was delivered (mobile web, desktop, etc.), as detected by HUMAN.
- Event Type (event_type_str): The type of event detected (either an impression or a click).
- GIVT (givt): A Boolean value that, when true, indicates that the impression was identified as General IVT (GIVT).
- Href URL (href_url): The full URL of the page or iframe where the impression occurred.
- IVT Categories (ivt_bot_category_str): The IVT categories associated with the impression.
- IVT Sub Categories (ivt_bot_subcategory, ivt_bot_subcategory_str): The IVT Sub Categories associated with the bid request.
- Media Type (st_media_type): The media type of the inventory (banner, video, etc.).
- OS Name (ua_os_name): The operating system of the device where the ad was delivered, as reported by the device’s user agent.
- Platform Type (platform): The type of platform where the ad was delivered (desktop, mobile, CTV, etc.), as detected by HUMAN.
- Session ID (session_id): A unique identifier that HUMAN uses to identify each event.
- SIVT (sivt): A Boolean value that, when true, indicates that the impression was identified as Sophisticated IVT (SIVT).
- SSAI (is_ssai): A Boolean value that, when true, indicates that the ad was delivered via server-side ad insertion.
- Surface (st_surface): The category of device where the ad was delivered (mobile, desktop, tablet, etc.).
- Tag Type (tag_type): The type of FraudSensor tag that detected the event.
- Timestamp (timestamp): The date and time that HUMAN recorded the impression.
- UTM Campaign (utm_campaign): The utm_campaign parameter, as detected from the impression's Href URL.
- UTM Content (utm_content): The utm_content parameter, as detected from the impression's Href URL.
- UTM Medium (utm_medium): The utm_medium parameter, as detected from the impression's Href URL.
- UTM Source (utm_source): The utm_source parameter, as detected from the impression's Href URL.
- UTM Term (utm_term): The utm_term parameter, as detected from the impression's Href URL.