Below is a summary of the system as a whole.

Account Defender API

Base domain:

Account info API

URLHTTP verbDescription
/{account_id}GETAccess the attack status and risk score of an account

Delete user data API

URLHTTP verbDescription
/delete_user_dataPOSTRequest data deletion for specified users

Feedback API

URLHTTP verbDescription
/update_statusPOSTUpdate incidents

Base domain:

URLHTTP verbDescription
/{account_id}GETAccess the attack status and risk score of an account

Bot Defender API

Base domain:

Custom rules API

URLHTTP verbDescription
/customRulesGETGet all custom rules
/customRulesPOSTCreate a custom rule
/customRules/{ruleId}GETGet a rule by ID
/customRules/{ruleId}PUTUpdate a rule by ID
/customRules/{ruleID}PATCHUpdate a rule's field by ID
/customRules/{ruleID}DELETEDelete a rule by ID

Credential Intelligence API

Base domain: https://sapi-{appId}

Compromised API

URLHTTP verbDescription
/is_compromisedPOSTReceive a report based on credentials

Code Defender API

Base domain:

Incidents API

URLHTTP verbDescription
/incidentsGETGet all incidents

Scripts API

URLHTTP verbDescription
/scriptsGETGet all allowed scripts

Allow lists API

URLHTTP verbDescription
/allow-listsGETGet all allowed actions

Deny lists API

URLHTTP verbDescription
/deny-listsGETGet all blocked actions

Cookie report API

URLHTTP verbDescription
/cookie-reportGETGet all cookie data

Account settings API

URLHTTP verbDescription
/account-settingsGETGet account settings


Base domain:

Inventory API

URLHTTP verbDescription
/inventory/scriptsGETGet script inventory
/inventory/headersGETGet header inventory

Status API

URLHTTP verbDescription
/status/scriptsPUTUpdate a script's status
/status/headersPUTUpdate a header's status

Audits API

URLHTTP verbDescription
/audits/scriptsGETGet script audits
/audits/headersGETGet header audits