Attack Rate Benchmark Report
Report Intro
This report was designed to provide high-level metrics on different threat types, target level, and benchmark metrics.
The report offers two levels of benchmark comparison in relation to four threat types. The two levels of benchmark are on an Industry level and the Human Network level, while the four threat types available are: Account Takeover Defense, Scraping Defense, Transaction Abuse Defense and Data Contamination Defense.
Attack Rate Benchmark Range Overtime
This graph is a seasonal layered timeline of the attack rate in relation to the selected Benchmark Comparison and the Threat Type, and per the selected apps.
These are the series available:
- Current 12 Months
- Your Attack Rate - shows the attack rate over the last 12 months
- Attack Rate Benchmark Range - shows the benchmark range over the last 12 months between te 25th and the 75th percentiles
- To date - the current month's attack rate (not final)
- Prior 12 Months
- Your Attack Rate - shows the attack rate over the previous 12 months
- Attack Rate Benchmark Range - shows the benchmark range over the previous 12 months between te 25th and the 75th percentiles
Month-by-Month Detailed Table
The table below the timeline details the attack level and rate per each month for the selected parameters.
Table columns:
- Month - the month that the attack rate is calculated for
- Unique Paths (Protected) - the number of paths that are protected for this threat type
- Your Total Traffic (Requests) - the amount of requests for the protected paths.
- Blocked by HUMAN (Requests) - the amount of requests that are identified as bot requests for the specific month and paramters on the protected paths. This metric includes simulated blocked requests.
- Your Attack Rate (%) - your level of attack rate for the specific month and parameters on the protected paths.
- Attack Rate Benchmark Range (%) - shows the 25th Percentile and the 75th Percentile for the benchmark compared
Q: Why is the attack rate not available for a specific threat type?
A: The attack rates per each threat type are calculated based on the paths that are visible to the enforcer and their classification. If the attack rate isn't available and should be, please review the page type classification to ensure proper mapping.
Q: Why is the attack rate not available for a specific months?
A: The attack rates are calculated ongoingly on relevant paths. Traffic changes and path classification changes may impact the attack rate calculated and have it not available for specific periods.
Q: Why do I see only the "HUMAN Network" comparison and not the industry level benchmark?
A: The HUMAN Network selection shows your attack rate for a specific threat type in comparison to our entire network, while the industry level compares your attack rates only to similar companies. Some industries may have a smaller data set size and therefore isn't offered.
Q: What paths are included under each threat type?
A: The Account Takeover Defense is limited to login-related paths, the Scraping Defense includes product and search paths, the Transaction Abuse Defense includes checkout and payment paths, and the Data Contamination Defense is not limited to specific paths.
Updated about 2 months ago